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Harpercraft  Hall

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​   Harpers are the heart and soul of Gale's Rest and the entirety of Altera. Harpers fill a quite a few roles in the world, but are fire and foremost educators and scholars. The harper hall is led by the Master Harper, its main hall located in the floating city of Gale's Rest. Harpers apprentice to the hall at around age twelve, training until the age of eighteen before being assigned to a particular location and preparing for their trials. They train until they are near the age of eighteen before beginning their trials. The trials are a testing program that allows initiate level harpers to gain their journeyman harper rank then eventually master. There is a difference between a master harper, and 'The Masterharper'. Any harper can attain a mastery, but only one can hold the title of Master Harper. Many remained stationed in Gale's Rest but there are harpers assigned to each major city of Altera. In Altera knowledge is passed down through music and poetry, the main ones being the duty ballads, great songs that are taught to Alterans as children by harpers to teach them of their duty to Altera. The responsibilities of a harper are listed below. 


  • Teacher‎ — these professions, used after the rising of Gale's Crest were later abolished and merged into the Harpercraft.

  • Harper — the general name of specialists.

  • Composer, singer — directions of musical career.

  • Voice, instrument and musical theory Masters — special teaching positions.

  • Drummer — workers of drum towers, code experts.

  • Archivist — the keeper of archives, monitors the safety and updating of records.

  • Spy — special representatives, almost never make music, wander the world, secretly collect information for the Masterharper, usually have codename.



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Healercraft  Hall

​   Healers are highly respected here in Altera. Their knowledge of anatomy both Human, Elvish, and Dragon is unmatched.  The healer hall is led by the Master Healer, its main hall located in the floating city of Gale's Rest. Healers Apprentice to the hall at around age twelve. They train until they are near the age of eighteen before beginning their trials. The trials are a testing program that allows initiate level healers to gain their mastery in healing. There is a difference between a master healer, and 'The Masterhealer'. Any healer can attain a mastery, but only one can hold the title of Masterhealer. Some healers can choose to side step humanity however, Weyrhealers are the most sought after and respected of the healercraft. These are healers who specialize in the medical care of dragons. For without Dragons...there would be no Altera. Responsibilities of healers are listed below. 


  • Medical —  these professions, used after rising of Gale's Rest, were later abolished and merged into the Healercraft. Their role is to maintain the health of all people of Altera. They swear a vow to put their patients first, and treat any wound that is laid bare before them. 

  • Healer — the general name of medical specialists.

  • Weyrhealer — these healers working in Gale's Rest specialize in treating dragons and their riders. Their work is distinguished by the fact that some of them are engaged in treatment not only of people, but also traumas of dragons.




Sorcererycraft  Hall

​   Sorcerers are highly respected here in Altera and especially in Gale's Rest. Their knowledge of the arcane both Human, and Elvish is unmatched.  The Sorcererycraft hall is led by the Master Sorcerer, its main hall located in the floating city of Gale's Rest. Sorcerers apprentice to the hall at around age twelve. They train until they are near the age of eighteen before beginning their trials. The trials are a testing program that allows initiate level Sorcerers to gain their mastery in healing. There is a difference between a master sorcerer, and 'The Mastersorcerer.' Any sorcerer can attain a mastery, but only one can hold the title of Mastersorcerer. Sorcerers are masters of the Arcane, without them many of the simple pleasantries that the people of Gale's Rest enjoy would be impossible. Not only do the Sorcerers maintain the magic that keeps the city afloat, they study many various schools of magic. Sorcerers have been known to aid dragon riders in combat, and especially in defense of the city of Gale's Rest. Gods save the man whom has wronged one of these magicians. 


  • The Arcane—  Sorcerers have the ability to control the elements. (Fire, Water, Earth, Air.) As well as Arcane type magics. (Teleport, Magic shield, Etc.)

  • Enchanters — These Sorcerers have specialized in enchanting, they spend their life enchanting everything from weapons to clothing. The right enchantment might just save your life. 

  • Combat -- Sorcerers often find themselves aiding dragon riders on missions away from Gale's Rest, or even fighting in defense of the city. 



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Smithcraft  Hall

​   Only the finest Smiths of the world can be found as members of the Smithcraft hall. Their knowledge of metal crafting both Human, and Elvish is unmatched in their field.  The smithcraft hall is led by the Master Smith, its main hall located in the floating city of Gale's Rest. Unlike the other craft halls smiths can apprentice to the smithcraft hall all the way up until they hit the age of twenty. They train until they are deemed worthy to stand the trials set by the Mastersmith. The trials are a testing program that allows initiate level smiths to gain their mastery in smithing. There is a difference between a master smith, and 'The Mastersmith'. Any smith can attain a mastery, but only one can hold the title of Mastersmith. The Mastersmith is said to have the skill of hundred smiths, only a master smith can work the sacred metal of Altera called Mithril. It is rare, and few pieces of it are left to the world. It is said only dragon fire has the heat to melt Mithril so it can be forged. 

  • Engineer, mechanic — these professions, used after the rise of Gale's Rest, were later abolished and merged into the Smithcraft.

  • Smith — the general name of these specialists. They are the metal workers of the world. Only smiths of high quality will be admitted to the smithcraft hall.

  • Glass-smith — the name of crafters working with glass instead of metal. 



Beastcraft  Hall

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Weaver Hall.png

​   Beastcrafting is a more, under appreciated talent. However, without these individuals the herds that sustain the city of Gale's Rest and its dragons would eventually fade and leave the people and dragons to starve. The beastcraft hall is led by the Masterbeastcrafter, its main hall located in the floating city of Gale's Rest. Unlike the other halls, the beastcraft allows the masters of the craft to choose when to promote their students, a less formal sort of craft these crafters don't face any trials to be promoted, instead being promoted by their master when they feel the apprentice is ready. Any beastcrafter can attain a mastery, but only one can hold the title of Masterbeastcrafter. The Masterbeastcrafter is responsible of personally seeing to the herds that support the city of Gale's rest which are hundreds of thousands strong. Other master level beastcrafters are placed throughout Altera to help maintain each major cities vital herds. 

  • Beastcrafting is the study of heardbeasts, (Cattle & Horses) A member of the beastcraft hall is highly trained in these areas of knowledge.

  • Beastcrafters — the general name of specialists engaged in livestock breeding, breeding new breeds, caring for animals.

  • Animals Healer — these are beastcrafters specializing in the treatment of animals (except dragons.)



Weavercraft  Hall

​   The Weavercraft hall of Gale's Rest is one of the most respected in the kingdom. There are no finer textiles, tapestries, silks, or clothes then those produced by the Weavercraft hall. Their knowledge of textiles both Human, and Elvish is unmatched.  The weavercraft hall is led by the Master Weaver, its main hall located in the floating city of Gale's Rest. Weavers apprentice to the hall at around age twelve. They train until they are near the age of eighteen before beginning their trials. The trials are a testing program that allows initiate level weavers to gain their mastery in in the weavecraft. There is a difference between a master weaver, and 'The Masterweaver'. Any weaver can attain a mastery, but only one can hold the title of Masterweaver. The 

weavecraft hall along with the smithcraft hall, produce a large amount of the income that keeps Gale's Rest afloat. 

  • Weaver — a name for crafters engaged in the manufacture of textile. The responsibilities of the weavers are to keep Altera and its people clothed and protected from the elements. They also produce all materials needed for Dragon riders. 

  • Tailor — A weaver with a specialty for creating clothes over typical textiles. 



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