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Flaming - 
All dragons have the ability to flame. They can create long streams of explosive fire, or short burst attacks that can be used as ranged attacks. 

Claws, Tails, & Teeth - All dragons have the ability to use their natural weapons. Dragon claws and teeth cut like steel, meanwhile their tails can easily take out a building, or crush an enemy target into the dirt. 

Between - All dragons have the ability to use their natural magic to teleport by going into the 'Between'. Between is universally described as a place of nothingness. Between is characterized by extreme cold - far below zero, and possibly colder than outer space - and near-total sensory deprivation for humans who travelled through it on dragonback. Since there appears to be no breathable air between.

Short distance teleporting, known as a 'Blinking' to dodge a projectile or ranged attack. And then 'Going Between' for long distance teleportation. Dragons have the ability to go between to any place they have been before, as long as their rider has a accurate mental image. If your image is faulty, or you lose concentration, then you could easily find yourself lost between both dragon and rider
dyeing a gruesome death in the freezing black. 


All riders are trained to a high level of combat ability. Each dragon rider has a weapon they choose to master over the course of their lives. Ie: (Swords, Bows, Spears, Axes, etc.) 

All riders have the ability to wield magic, however some deem it useless and never pick up the practice. Unlike sorcerers riders have only a few spells that they can wield. This ability to wield magic is granted by their dragon. The list of spells is below. 

-All Riders can cast-

Firebolt - A blast of swirling fire conjured in the palm that can be hurled at an enemy target. 

Entrap - Calling upon the Altera itself, summon the roots of the earth to entrap a enemy target. 

Misty Step- Once per day teleporting no father then fifty feet away, and their target landing area must be visible to them.


Lay Hands- Lay your hand upon a lesser wound you take, or the lesser wound of a comrade and heal it. (Cures Poison, Curse, and Dark Magic Effects.) 


~List of Sorcerer Spells~


Firebolt - A blast of swirling fire conjured in the palm that can be hurled at an enemy target. 

Entrap - Calling upon the Altera itself, summon the roots of the earth to entrap a enemy target. 

Misty Step- Once per day teleporting no father then fifty feet away, and their target landing area must be visible to them.


Lay Hands- Lay your hand upon a lesser wound you take, or the lesser wound of a comrade and heal it. (Cures Poison, Curse, and Dark Magic Effects.) 

Lightning Bolt- A blast of swirling lighting is conjured in your palm that can be hurled at an enemy target. 

Poison Fog- Unleash a deadly breath attack that you can use to poison a group of enemies. Better make sure your friends are not close to it though! 

Summon Magical Weapon- Summon a magical Sword, Spear, or Axe that can be used for combat. 

Arcane Blast- Use both hands and summon a large Arcane force and unleash the blast of magic at an enemy target. 

Teleportation Circle- A Sorcerer can use magical chalk or paint to create a runic magical circle that can teleport up to five people anywhere in the kingdom at a time. The more sorcerers that aid in this spell casting the more people that can be sent. 


Casting any spell not listed above MUST be discussed and approved with a moderator before the spell is cast. If it is approved we will let you know. 











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